The main parts of the Java GUI framework. I) Components II) Containers III) Layout Managers IV) Events V) Listeners I) Components 1) Label, JLabel 2) TextField, JTextField 3) Button, JButton 4) Checkbox, JCheckBox 5) ComboBox, JComboBox 6) List, JList 7) ScrollBar, JScrollBar 8) JSlider 9) JTabbedPane 10) Choice 11) Canvas 12) menus II) Containers 1) Frame, JFrame 2) Panel, JPanel 3) Window, JWindow 4) Applet, Japplet III) Layout Managers 1) BorderLayout 2) FlowLayout 3) GridLayout 4) CardLayout 5) GridBagLayout IV) Events 1) ActionEvent a) buttons b) lists c) text fields d) menu items 2) ItemEvent a) check boxes b) lists c) choices d) check box menu items 3) TextEvent a) text components 4) AdjustmentEvent a) scroll bars 5) FocusEvent a) components 6) KeyEvent a) components 7) MouseEvent a) components 8) WindowEvent a) windows (including frames) V) Listeners 1) ActionListener 2) ItemListener 3) TextListener 4) AdjustmentListener 5) FocusListener 6) KeyListener 7) MouseListener MouseMotionListener 8) WindowListener