CS 502 Languages Language 1) Tree language Language 2) Integer expressions Language 3) Integer & boolean expressions Language 4) Integer & boolean expressions with global variables Language 5) Integer & boolean expressions with local variables Language 6) Integer & boolean expressions with local variables and assignment Language 7) Global functions (with dynamic or static scope) Language 8a) First class global functions with dynamic scope Language 8b) First class global functions with static scope (like C) Language 9) Nested functions with dynamic scope Language 9a) Nested functions with dynamic scope and function parameters Language 9b) First class nested functions with dynamic scope (NO closures!) Language 9c) First class nested & anonymous functions with dynamic scope (like original Lisp) Language 10) Nested functions with static scope Language 10t) A typed verion of Language-10 Language 11) Nested functions with static scope and function parameters (like Pascal) Language 12) First class nested functions with static scope (closures) Language 13) First class nested & anonymous functions with static scope (like Scheme) Language 14) First class built-in and user defined functions Language 14t) A typed verion of Language-14 Language 15) Language-14 with lists