Class Lectures and Reading Assignments
CS 45500 / CS 51580
Computer Graphics
Fall, 2024

This page documents what we do in class. It contains Java programs that we will discuss in class, reading assignments, simple homework exercises that you can work on for practice and exam preparation (not for credit), and links to other sources of information.

We will continue to use the programs in the folder renderer_1\clients_r1\Position_Model_Vertex_LineSegment to analyze the Model2Camera and Projection stages of the renderer.

Here is a zip file containing several pictures (and a couple of programs) illustrating perspective and parallel projection.

Here are several online demonstration programs of perspective and orthographic projection and the computer graphics camera.

For next week, read the section about the viewport transformation and the pixel-plane in Readme_r1.txt from

We will use the programs in the folder renderer_1\clients_r1\Position_Model_Vertex_LineSegment to understand the structure of our simplified rendering pipeline.

Remember to read the sections about Model2Camera and Projection in Readme_r1.txt from

Today we will finish with the code in folder "renderer_1\clients_r1\simple_example\".

Next week we will start to talk about the rendering algorithms. Read the sections about Model2Camera and Projection in Readme_r1.txt from

Today we will continue to look at the Scene data structure. In particular, we want to look carefully at the Model data structure. We will use at the code in the sub-folder "renderer_1\clients_r1\simple_example\".

Today we will start to look at the Scene data structure, which is the input data structure for the 3D renderer.

Remember to read the sections about the Scene, Camera, Model, and Position data structures in Readme_r1.txt from

Read this overview of 3D rendering (from It explains some of the ideas in the scene package.

Today we will look at a few image processing algorithms in the sub-folder pixel-algorithms from the following zip file.

Remember to read the sections about the Scene, Camera, Model, and Position data structures in Readme_r1.txt from

Read this overview of 3D rendering (from It explains some of the ideas in the scene package.

Today we will finish talking about the FrameBuffer and Viewport data structures. Then we will look at some very simple examples of "pixel algorithms" (image processing algorithms).

For next week, read the sections about the Scene, Camera, Model, and Position data structures in Readme_r1.txt from

See the homework assignment page for your first programming assignment.

Today we will continue to talk about the FrameBuffer and Viewport data structures using the examples in the following folder. Read the ReadMe.txt file in that folder. Also read the sections about framebuffers and viewports in Readme_r1.txt from

Today we will talk about the FrameBuffer data structure. We will use these pixel utilities,

to study the examples in the following zip file. Read ReadMe.txt from the zip file.

Here is an interactive version of the renderer. We will talk about it next week.

Watch Introduction to rendering, a video about rendering from Pixar In A Box.

Read Chapter 1, pages 1-16 from this book.

Read Chapter 1 (PDF) and Section 2.1 (PDF) from this book.

Read Chapter 1 from this book.

We will discuss the code in the following zip file. Read the text file called Readme_r1.txt, from this zip file, up to the section about the scene package.

Here are a few small utilities that let us look at pixels on the computer screen.

Here are interesting demonstrations of many computer graphics concepts.

Here is the last renderer from the sequence of renderers used in this course.